Dr Donncha Dunican
Investigator Scientist
- MRC Human Genetics Unit
- MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0) 131 651 8651
- Email: donncha.dunican@igmm.ed.ac.uk
- Street
MRC Human Genetics Unit,
MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine,
The University of Edinburgh,
Western General Hospital,
Crewe Road,
EH4 2XU - City
- Post code
Donncha Dunican received his Honours Degree in Biochemistry from NUIGalway (Ireland) during which he became interested in recombinant DNA technology. He relocated to Trinity College Dublin to pursue a PhD in Cancer Transcriptomics (Prof. David Croke) discovering alterations in epigenetic regulators between familial and sporadic colon cancers. In 2001, Donncha moved to Scotland as a postdoctoral fellow studying gene expression in frog embryos lacking DNA methylation (Prof. Richard Meehan). In 2004, Donncha started a Career Development Fellowship at the MRC Human Genetics Unit where he transitioned to study epigenetics in mammalian systems. Donncha was promoted to Investigator Scientist in 2008 and is focused on determining the mechanisms underlying de novo and maintenance DNA methylation.