Dr David August

Lecturer in Chemical Education

Contact details



Room 282
University of Edinburgh
Joseph Black Building
David Brewster Road

Post code

Research summary

Chemical Education – lab and transferable skills, spatial skills and aphantasia, language & cultural inclusion, post-graduate taught masters.

Current research interests

My research is in Chemical Education and the development of new and innovative teaching methods – both for practical skills and chemical theory. My current focus is in three main areas: 1) practical chemistry teaching and transferable skills, 2) the link between spatial skills or aphantasia with understanding chemical principles and 3) international student inclusion.

Past research interests

My previous work focused on supramolecular chemistry and the use of dynamic molecular interactions to design and develop large complex structures for a range of applications including molecular cages for catalysis, molecular knots to understanding folding at the molecular level and the first example of a true molecularly woven fabric.