Dongjun Seo

Thesis title: The Search for Interdenominational Co-operation and Unity among Korean Evangelicals, 1945-1997


Dongjun Seo is from Seoul, South Korea. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of Edinburgh. His PhD research explores the Korean evangelical pursuit of interdenominational co-operation and unity between 1945 and 1997.


MTh (World Christianity) at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

Mdiv at Chongshin Theological Seminary, Yongin, South Korea.

BA (Theology) at Chongshin University, Seoul, South Korea.

Responsibilities & affiliations

American Society of Church History (ASCH) 

Ecclesiastical History Society (EHS)

Yale-Edinburgh Group on World Christianity and the History of Mission

Undergraduate teaching

History of Christianity as a World Religion (2022-23 Semester II)

Research summary


Joint Winner of 2021 World Christianities Essay Prize awarded by the Journal of Ecclesiastical History (CUP)


Journal Articles:

‘Ambiguities in the Search for Christian Unity: The General Council of Protestant Evangelical Missions in Korea, 1905-1912’, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 73, no. 2 (April 2022): 348-67. (2021 World Christianities Prize).

Book Chapters (Korean):

‘선교한국의 국내 정기 간행물에 대한 영향’ (Mission Korea’s Impact upon Korean Periodicals of Christian Mission) in 선교한국 운동의 성과와 영향력 평가 (Evaluation Report on Achievements and Influences of Mission Korea), ed. Steve Sang-Cheol Moon (Seoul: Mission Korea, 2018).

Translations (from English to Korean):

그랜트 왜커, 서동준 역, 빌리 그래함: 한영혼을 위한 발걸음 (서울: 선한청지기, 2021); Grant Wacker, One Soul at a Time: The Story of Billy Graham (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019). 

Affiliated research centres

Papers delivered

'Re-defining Evangelicalism on the Margins: Young Korean New Evangelical Experiments in the 1980s,' Ecclesiastical Historical Society Summer Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (18-20 July 2023).

'Reactive Ecumenism: Christian Unity among Korean Evangelicals against Perceived Threats to the Nation and the Church, 1961-1994,' Centre for the Study of World Christianity Research Seminars, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK (19 October 2021).

'복음주의 연합 정신의 발현 사례로서의 재한 개신교 복음주의 선교 연합공의회 고찰 1905-1912’ (Evangelical Unity: The Case of the General Council of Protestant Evangelical Missions in Korea),' Institute of the History of Christianity in Korea (Online), Seoul, South Korea (6 March 2021).