Devanjan Bhattacharya (PhD)

Teaching Fellow in Earth Observation at The Bayes Centre


Devanjan's areas of research and teaching being geomatics and geo-spatial technologies, he works towards intelligent geospatial analytics merging remotely sensed data, navigation technologies, informatics and GIS together, which are proving a strong platform to progress towards sustainable smart societies, and he continues his endeavour towards that goal, through research, development and teaching. He is a Teaching Fellow in Earth Observation and Data Visualization at the Bayes Centre. Prior to this, he was a Marie Curie TRAIN@ED Postdoc Fellow on data-driven innovation at Edinburgh University collaborating with DDI and other funders.  His ongoing research is towards peace-building processes compiling spatial data collected online, using AI, NLP and geo-visualization. He is also proposing to setup a spatial data center “PeaceTech Edinburgh” to aid United Nations peace-building tasks through geospatial intelligence. 

During the Covid period, Devanjan got an ESRC Impact grant to deliver a proposal on safe micro-mobility for urban populations by a map-based interface providing shortest-path routing avoiding infection hotspots. His upcoming research aims to tackle conflict implications on climate and environment from a spatial data perspective. Earlier, he has worked on EU based smart cities projects for developing and developed economies, disaster management and software development.

Past Teaching Subjects: Autumn Semester 2014: i)GIS ii)Advanced GIS iii) Numerical Analysis for Civil Engineering, iv) Technical English Documentation v) Land Information System.

Spring Semester 2015 : i)Spatio Temporal GIS, ii)Advanced DBMS, iii)DBMS, iv) Urban Information Systems, v)WebGIS & Applications.

JDF736 Advanced Geographic Information System JDF806 Spatio-Temporal GIS

CIV 335 Numerical Analysis for Civil Engg JDF737 Advanced DBMS

JDF334 Geographic Information System JDF816 WebGIS

YDL 285/283 English Tech Doc  JDF446 Urban Information Sys; JDF322 DBMS.


Teaching Experience @ Univerzita Pardubice 2013: Lectures on GIS for ERASMUS MUNDUS Exchange students. Practical laboratory on GIS using ArcGIS. @ Bulent Ecevit University 2014-2015: Fall Semester: i) GIS, ii) Advanced GIS, iii) Numerical Analysis, iv) Technical English v) LIS - Land Information System. Spring Semester: i)Spatio Temporal GIS, ii)Advanced DBMS, iii)DBMS, iv)Urban Information Systems, v)WebGIS. @ Univ Nova Lisboa 2016-2018: Classes on GIS at Nova Information Mgmt School. @ Indian Universities: Associate Prof positions teaching AI, ML, DBMS, Business Management etc. Computer Science & Engg subjects Operating System, Computer System Architecture, C Programming.

Mentoring/Supervision/Guidance @ IIT Roorkee and IISc Bangalore Civil Engg: guiding on geo-deformation analysis / seismic induced landslide KB creation. Guiding on PLASMA setup environment, working and architecture understanding; Studies on comparative analysis of different Agent Based Modelling & Simulation tools to see which is best suited for applications in transportation, logistics, game playing etc.; Guiding on VISUM-VISSIM for 3D/4D traffic simulations. @ NOVA IMS, Lisbon: Mentored 16 PhD early stage researchers, 6 of them directly in Lisbon, 10 others time to time online, stationed in Spain and Germany, for 3 years under the ITN H2020 project GEO-C. @ University of Edinburgh: Guided interns from IAD Research Directorate, and from Law School PeaceTech projects, funding some from my annual research budget under TRAIN@ED.



Responsibilities & affiliations

Membership of Professional Bodies:

  • British Academy Early-Career Researcher Network Member (Unique ECRN ID number: 0351150).
  • UKRI Early Career Researcher Network Member.
  • UOE Early Career Researcher Network Member.
  • SCRIPT Centre Member, managed by Law School, interdisciplinary across UOE.
  • UKRI FLF Talent Peer Review College (PRC) Member.
  • UKRI NERC CDE Advisor, managed by Cranfield University.
  • Member of NOVA IMS Scientific Research Council MAGIC @ MAGIC Researchers Profiles.
  • Member of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministry for Education and Science Portugal, membership id J651862.
  • Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) membership ID 145311.
  • Member of INSTICC (Regular member # 14967), the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, INSTICC WebPage
  • Turkish Governmental Coordination Committee Member for Science and Technology Development 2014-15Link.
  • Member of Hazard Applications & Research Center, Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey 2014-15 HomePage
  • Member of EURAXESS Links India.
  • Associate Member of EuroScience.
  • Member of EUROPA SINAPSE.
  • European Commission Research & Innovation Participant Portal Expert Profile: EX2014D198035.

Past project grants

From-To Title of grant/ Awarding body Project title Length of grant, Place taken Role/ position in the grant Total amount awarded
01/2021-09/2021 ESRC IAA / UKRI, UoE Safe routing micro-mobility in cities in times of pandemics. 12 months, UoE PI £ 11500
07/2015 - 10/2018 ITN H2020/ European Union Geo Enabling Sensor web and IoT by Semantic Enhancements 40 months, NOVA IMS, Lisbon Individual Postdoctoral Research
€ 80000
07/2013 -12/2013 ERASMUS MUNDUS / EU EXPERTS II PostDoc grant Open WebGIS based Interlinking of Open Geo-Databases OSM, Natural Earth, GeoNames for Place Ranking 6 months, Politecnico di Torino, Italy PI
€ 11000
12/2012 – 05/2014 FP7 Expertise Building / European Union/Czech govt Spatial data infrastructure for global datasets based on semantic matching of catalogues. 3 years
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic Senior Researcher
(left midway for faculty position in Turkey)
€ 36000
10/2009 –
09/2010 Young Indian Researcher Grant/ Italian Ministry of Education & Research Development of a Popular Usage Based Hazard Warning System for Landslides in Italian Conditions. 12 months
Politecnico di Torino, Italy Individual Fellowship PhD researcher grant
€ 18000
Awarded 2019
(funded but declined, chose UoE project PeaceTech, TRAIN@ED) ELITE-S H2020 MSCA COFUND, ranked highest in the round. Enhancement of Data Standardisation for Smarter Cities
using Geo spatial Infrastructure and Artificial Intelligence
(GEOSPACE) 2 years
Dublin City Univ, Maynooth Univ, Ireland Individual research project
(moved to UoE on another MSCA proposal)
€ 60000 x
2 years