Carlo Pirozzi

Teaching Fellow


After gaining his PhD in Italian Literature (Chieti-Florence), Dr Pirozzi was awarded the John Di Ciacca Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Italian Department (2011-2012) and the Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Italo-Scottish Research Cluster (ISRC), University of Edinburgh (2012-2013). Subsequently, he joined the Italian Department of St Andrews University as a Research Fellow (2014–2016, AHRC-funded project 'Transnationalising Modern Languages'). In 2017 he was appointed Teaching Fellow in Italian Studies.

Dr Pirozzi has taught a wide range of courses in Italian language and culture at different levels, in universities and other cultural institutions in Italy and Scotland.

In addition, Dr Pirozzi originated and developed several creative interdisciplinary art projects involving universities and various cultural institutions.

Undergraduate teaching

Dr Pirozzi teaches undergraduate courses in Italian language, literature and culture. He is Course Organiser for Italian 1, Introductory Italian Language, and Italian 4 Oral.

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

  • Language teaching methodologies
  • Diaspora studies (in particular Italian migration to Scotland)
  • Italian contemporary poetry and literature
  • Visual and performing arts


2007: Incontrando B. lungo il nastro di Möebius. Dialoghi con Piero Bigongiari (Rome: Bulzoni) pp. 320.


Edited books

2018: Identities Reframed: Visual and Cultural materials of Italians in Scotland (title tbc) (collection of diaries, letters, photographs, poems and theatre scripts, mostly unpublished). [In preparation]

2017: Paolozzi at large in Edinburgh (title tbc), Edited by Carlo Pirozzi. Introduction and notes by Robin Spencer, poems by Christine De Luca, artworks by Paolozzi and contemporary artists from both Scotland and Italy. [In preparation]

2015: Like Leaves in Autumn. Responses to the War Poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti, Edited by Carlo Pirozzi and Katherine Lockton (Edinburgh: Luath Press) pp. 168.

2013: No-Where-Next | War-Diaspora-Origin. Dominic Scappaticcio. A Journey (1946-1947). Edited by Federica G. Pedriali and Carlo Pirozzi. Photographic catalogue edited by Nicola Milazzo. Catalogue of the Montecassino Exhibition, Edinburgh Gadda Prize, 4-6 May 2013 (Ravenna: Longo) pp. 60.

2012: Lingua e identità a 150 anni dall’Unità d’Italia. Edited by Matteo Brera and Carlo Pirozzi (Florence: Cesati) pp. 267.

2004: “La poesia – si sa – si affida al tempo”. Rassegna a stampa sul primo ermetismo fiorentino. Edited by Carlo Pirozzi (Florence, Società Editrice Fiorentina) pp. 98.

2001: Piero Bigongiari, Piazza Cavalleggeri 2, Firenze. Edited by Carlo Pirozzi (Florence: Società Editrice Fiorentina) pp. 90.


Book chapters

2017: ‘Italian communities in Scotland’ in Transcultural Italies: Mobility, Memory and Translation, Edited by Charles Burdett, Loredana Polezzi and Barbara Spadaro (Liverpool University Press). [In preparation]

2007: ‘ “Fantasie da fine del mondo”. La stagione “ninfolettica” del Sentimento del Tempo di Giuseppe Ungaretti’, in La musica delle stagioni. Fenomenologia del tempo nelle letterature inglese e italiana. Edited by Leo Marchetti and Paola Evangelista (Naples: Liguori) pp. 217-236.

2003: ‘Atto unico. Jacobbi legge Bigongiari. CroniStoria di una passione’, in L’eclettico Jacobbi. Percorsi multipli tra letteratura e teatro. Edited by Anna Dolfi (Rome: Bulzoni) pp. 147-168.



2017: ‘A Stranger in a Strange Country: Diary of an Italo-Scottish Soldier in Italy, 1918’. (Essay on an unpublished diary written by a Scots-Italian soldier fighting in Italy during the closing year of the First World War. The article will be published along with a transcription of the diary).

2016: ‘Laboratorio Ronconi: in cerca d’autore’, in Pirandello Studies, 36 (Dublin: Society for Pirandello Studies) pp. 6.



2016: ‘War of Poetic Movement: Transnationalizing Ungaretti’ at Chiasmi 2016: Brown-Harvard Conference of Italian Studies, Brown University, 8-9 April 2016.

2016: ‘Exploring Italian Identity through Cultural Materials Collected in a New Transnational Media Collection’, at Migrating Object: Material Culture and Italian Identities, Annual Conference, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 29-30 April 2016.

2015: ‘Laboratorio Ronconi: in cerca d’autore’ at ‘Pirandello: Performativity and Role-Playing’ Conference in collaboration with the Society for Pirandello Studies UK and the University of Edinburgh, Italian Studies, University of Edinburgh, 17 October 2015.