Dr Angela Bartie (BA (Hons), PhD)

Senior Lecturer; Scottish History


I graduated with an Honours degree in History from the University of Strathclyde in 2001 and was formally awarded my PhD from the University of Dundee in 2007. I joined the Scottish Oral History Centre at the University of Strathclyde as a Research Fellow in 2006, where I worked with Arthur McIvor (Director) and others to transform the Centre from a small, internal body to a recognised centre for research and teaching in oral history. Between 2006 and 2009, I worked as a researcher on a number of projects exploring aspects of twentieth century Scottish history: the history of occupational health (at University of Strathclyde), an oral history of industrial chaplains (Glasgow Caledonian University), and on the policing of youth in post-war Britain (with Louise A. Jackson, University of Edinburgh). I also undertook advisory roles in Heritage Lottery Funded and community-based oral history projects.

In 2010, I was appointed as a Lecturer in History at the University of Strathclyde where I taught modern Scottish and British history, and developed new courses on youth in post-war Britain and on the theory and practice of oral history. In 2010-11, I was Acting Director of the Scottish Oral History Centre and, with Arthur McIvor, helped to design a purpose-built Lab and Archive for the Centre (opened 2012).

I joined the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh in 2014 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2017.

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Trustee and Executive Committee Member, Scottish Oral History Group.     

Undergraduate teaching

Culture and the Arts in Post-war Scotland (4MA)

Contributions to pre-Honours courses: The Historian's Toolkit, The History of Edinburgh, Themes in Scottish History since 1560

Hons dissertation supervision

Postgraduate teaching

Co-Programme Director and Cohort Lead MSc History (online)

Course Organiser Historical Research: Approaches to History (online)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

Happy to discuss research proposals in various aspects of modern social and cultural history, including the arts and culture in modern Scotland and youth and youth culture in modern Britain. 

Current PhD students supervised

Nikki Glencross, Money is Not Enough: An Analysis on Women’s Professional Wrestling, 1986-2019 (co-supervise with Dr David Kaufman)

Helen Lowe, The development of technical and vocational education in Scottish secondary schooling (c.1976-1990) (co-supervise with Prof Ewen Cameron)

Sarah Mason, Bin Lid Brigades and Mummy’s Little Helpers:  An Oral History Investigation of Communal Networks amongst the Women of West Belfast between 1970 – 1985 (co-supervise with Prof Enda Delaney)

Willem Pauw, Transnational Identity and Culture: The Chinese in Scotland (second supervisor)

Shilpa T-Hyland, Talking to Ghosts: The Twenty-First Century History Play (second supervisor, external - lead supervisor, Dr Marc Silberschatz, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland)

Past PhD students supervised

Lucy Brown, The Community Arts Movement in Scotland, 1962-1990. PhD Awarded 2019.

Aimee McCullough, Working-class Fatherhood and Masculinity in west-central Scotland, c. 1970-1995. PhD Awarded 2017.

Kate Wilson, Current Living Places and Future Utopias: Community Writing in Glasgow 1997–1990 (co-supervised with Dr Eleanor Bell, University of Strathclyde). PhD Awarded 2022.  Thesis awarded The Ross Roy Medal for the best PhD thesis submitted on a subject relating to Scottish literature (Saltire Society Awards 2022).

Research summary


  • Britain & Ireland
  • Scotland


  • Culture
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Society


  • Twentieth Century & After

Current research interests

My main research interests focus on cultural and social change in modern (post-1940) Scotland, with specific interests in role of the arts in society, cultural policy, and arts festivals. These were explored in my book, 'The Edinburgh Festivals: Culture and Society in Post-war Britain' (EUP, 2013), which examines changing discourses of ‘culture’ by using the arts as a lens and the Edinburgh Festivals as a stage to examine broader cultural and social change between c.1947 and 1971. Out of this research, I’ve developed interests in the cultural politics of the popular arts, the uses of culture for urban regeneration in the late twentieth century, and in the arts and avant-garde of the 1960s. The latter was explored in 'The International Writers’ Conference Revisited: Edinburgh, 1962' (co-edited with Eleanor Bell, University of Strathclyde; published by Cargo, 2012) and in my recent research on the influential avant-garde poet, playwright and jazz musician, Tom McGrath. I also have continuing interests in the history of youth gangs, violence, media representations of young people, and official responses to delinquency. These interests were sparked whilst exploring the moral panic over youth gangs in 1960s Glasgow, which was the focus of my undergraduate dissertation, and extended during my time as a researcher on Louise A. Jackson’s ‘Policing Youth’ project. Since then, I have worked with sociologists Susan Batchelor and Alistair Fraser (University of Glasgow) to explore the youth gang phenomenon in Glasgow through oral history interviews and a contemporary sociological study undertaken between 1968 and 1970. I am active across my research interests. Following on from my work on the Edinburgh festivals, I’m exploring two major Scottish arts festivals, Clyde Fair International (1972-73) and the Glasgow Mayfests (1983-97) . I am also at the early stages of researching and writing a biography of the avant-garde ‘explorer’, Tom McGrath. My work on the youth gang phenomenon in 1960s and 1970s Glasgow continues too, in collaboration with Alistair Fraser, University of Glasgow. With colleagues, I am also in the process of writing up publications arising from the major Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project ‘The Redress of the Past: Historical Pageants in Britain, 1905-2016’. This collaborative project with researchers at King’s College London, the Institute of Education and the University of Glasgow examined the phenomenon of historical pageantry in twentieth and early twenty-first century Britain. These major theatrical re-enactments of events from the past experienced waves of popularity in British society, and were so widespread in the Edwardian period that contemporaries referred to an outbreak of ‘pageant-fever’! An AHRC-funded follow-on project produced a variety of outputs and events aimed at a range of audiences, including a film made in collaboration with Windrose Media Trust and a free 'Historical Pageants Local History Study Guide' (St Albans: Regents Court Press, 2020).

Knowledge exchange

I have experience of a range of knowledge exchange/impact work. I have been interviewed for the printed press, radio, podcasts, television, and documentary films, collaborated on exhibitions with museums (including writing material for boards and panels), and have taken part in panel discussions and given talks to audiences at events like the Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Edinburgh International Film Festival and for organisations like Glasgow Women’s Library and the Mitchell Library.

The list below is a subset of the information held on the University of Edinburgh PURE system, and includes Books, Chapters, Articles and Conference contributions. For a full list, including details of other publication types (e.g. reviews), please see the Edinburgh Research Explorer page for Dr Angela Bartie.

Books - Authored

Jackson, L. and Bartie, A. (2014) Policing Youth: Britain, 1945-70. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Bartie, A. (2013) The Edinburgh Festivals: Culture and Society in Post-war Britain. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Books - Edited

Bartie, A. and Bell, E. (eds.) (2012) The International Writers' Conference Revisited: Edinburgh, 1962. Cargo Publishing


Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T., Hutton, A. and Readman, P. (2019) ‘History taught in the pageant way’: Education and historical performance in twentieth-century Britain. History of Education, 48(2), pp. 156-179DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0046760X.2018.1516811

Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T., Hutton, A. and Readman, P. (2018) Historical pageants and the Medieval past in twentieth-century England. The English Historical Review (EHR), 133(563), pp. 866-902DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cey158

Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T., Readman, P. and Tupman, C. (2017) ‘And those who live, how shall I tell their fame?’: Historical pageants, collective remembrance and the First World War, 1919-1939. Historical Research, 90(249), pp. 636-661DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2281.12189

Bartie, A. (2017) Cultural interactions at the Edinburgh Festivals, C. 1947-1971. Arts and International Affairs, 2(2)DOI: https://doi.org/10.18278/aia.2.2.2

Bartie, A. (2016) Performing the past: Historical pageants in Scotland. History Scotland Magazine, 16, pp. 22

Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T., Readman, P. and Tupman, C. (2016) The redress of the past: Historical pageants in twentieth-century England. International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture - YEARBOOK 

Bartie, A. and Fraser, A. (2014) The Easterhouse Project: Youth, Social Justice and the Arts in Glasgow, 1968-1970. Scottish Justice Matters, 2(1), pp. 38-39

Bartie, A. and McIvor, A. (2013) Oral history in Scotland. The Scottish Historical Review, 92(Supplement: 234), pp. 108-136DOI: https://doi.org/10.3366/shr.2013.0170

Bartie, A. and Jackson, L. (2011) Youth Crime and Preventive Policing in Post-War Scotland (c1945-1971). Twentieth Century British History, 22(1), pp. 79-102DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/tcbh/hwq038

Jackson, L. and Bartie, A. (2011) 'Children of the city': juvenile justice, property, and place in England and Scotland, 1945-60. Economic History Review, 64(1), pp. 88-113DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0289.2010.00543.x

Bartie, A. (2010) Moral panics and Glasgow gangs: Exploring 'the new wave of Glasgow hooliganism', 1965-1970. Contemporary British History, 24(3), pp. 385-408DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13619462.2010.497248

Rafeek, N., Bartie, A. and Young, H. (2004) Scotland and 'the coalition for justice not war' march, Glasgow, 15 February 2003. Oral History, 2, pp. 73-85


Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T. and Readman, P. (2018) Performing the past: Identity, civic culture and historical pageants in twentieth-century English small towns. In: Klusakova, L. (ed.) Small Towns in Europe and Beyond: 20th - 21st Century. University of Chicago Press

Bartie, A. and Fraser, A. (2017) “It wasnae just Easterhouse”: The politics of representation in the Glasgow gang phenomenon, c. 1965-1975. In: Gildart, K., Gough-Yates, A., Lincoln, S., Osgerby, B., Robinson, L., Street, J., Webb, P. and Worley, M. (eds.) Youth Culture and Social Change: Making a Difference by Making a Noise. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 205-229DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-52911-4_9

Bartie, A., Fleming, L., Freeman, M., Hulme, T. and Readman, P. (2017) Commemoration through dramatic performance: Historical pageants and the Age of Anniversaries, 1905 - 1920. In: Otte, T. and Waldron, P. (eds.) The Age of Anniversaries: The Cult of Commemoration, 1895-1925. Routledge

Bartie, A. and Fraser, A. (2017) Speaking to the 'hard men': Masculinities, violence and youth gangs in Glasgow, c.1965-75. In: Abrams, L. and Ewan, E. (eds.) Nine Centuries of Man: Manhood and Masculinities in Scottish History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 258-277DOI: https://doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474403894.001.0001

Bartie, A. (2013) Explorer: Into the sixties with Tom McGrath. In: Bell, E. and Gunn, L. (eds.) The Scottish Sixties. Rodopi, pp. 47-67

Bartie, A. and Bell, E. (2012) Introduction. In: Bartie, A. and Bell, E. (eds.) The International Writers' Conference Revisited: Edinburgh, 1962. Cargo Publishing

Bartie, A. (2010) Culture in the everyday: Art and society in twentieth century Scotland. In: Abrams, L. and Brown, C. (eds.) A History of Everyday Life in Twentieth-Century Scotland. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 206-228

Bartie, A. (2009) A 'bubbling volcano': Edinburgh, the festivals, and a cultural explosion. In: Dubinsky, K., Krull, C., Lord, S., Mills, S. and Rutherford, S. (eds.) New World Coming: The Sixties and the Shaping of Global Consciousness. Toronto: Between the Lines