Professor Andrew Goryachev


Ph.D., University of Toronto

2003 - 2006    Research Scientist and Team Leader, Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore

2006 - 2011    RCUK Academic Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

2010 - 2011    Lecturer in Computational Cell Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

2011 - 2016    Reader in Computational Cell Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

2016 -    Professor of Computational Cell Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

Undergraduate teaching

2012 - 2018 BILG08015 Molecules, Genes and Cells

2011 -            BICH10009 Membrane Biology

2012 -            BILG09001 Molecular Cell Biology.

Postgraduate teaching

2008 -           PGBI11051 IPBC Information Processing in Biological Cells

2018 -           PGBI11029 Applicable Mathematics

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

Current research interests

My group studies biophysical principles of cellular morphogenesis and intracellular pattern formation. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the mechanisms of symmetry breaking in space and time. In particular, we study cellular developmental programs controlled by small Rho GTPases: Cdc42, Rho and Rac. These include many vital cellular processes, such as the establishment of cell polarity and formation of the cytokinetic furrow.