Anastasia Kalokyri, AFHEA

Teaching Fellow in Childhood Studies and Practice (Maternity Cover)


Anastasia Kalokyri is a Teaching Fellow (maternity cover) and Joint Academic Cohort Lead in Childhood practice, Institute for Education, Community and Society (IECS), University of Edinburgh. She has extensive teaching experience, having worked with students and young people with and without Additional Support Needs in Greece, the Netherlands, England and Scotland. She is currently completing her doctorate investigating the school experiences of secondary students with ADHD in Scotland, employing an intersectional lens to understand the effects of the interconnections of their social identities, including gender, social class, race, ethnicity, and disability, on their experiences. In this comprehensive study, she examines the impact of the ADHD label on teachers’ and peers’ attitudes and interactions with students with ADHD, explores the teachers’ perspectives on including students with ADHD, and delves into students’ self-perceptions. 

Linkedin Profile


MA (Hons) in Special Needs, 2014 (University of Nottingham, UK)

BA (Hons) in Philology, 2010 (University of Crete, Rethimno, Crete, Greece)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Joint Academic Cohort Lead in Childhood Practice 

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Undergraduate teaching

BA Childhood Practice (BA Ord): 

Education Studies  (BA Ord):

Postgraduate teaching

  • Psychology of Learning and Teaching, 2020-2023 (Marker)
  • MSc Education Dissertation, 2022-present (Supervisor, Marker)


Research summary

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Inclusion
  • Social identities (disability, gender, age, race, ethnicity, social class)
  • Young people
  • Ethnography
  • Intersectionality
  • Teacher's training & Professional Development 

Past research interests

  • Kalokyri, A. (2014) An exploration of the Experiences of Greek Secondary School Teachers with Children with ADHD in Their Classrooms. Unpublished Master Thesis. University of Nottingham.

Past research interests

Kalokyri, A. (2014) An exploration of the Experiences of Greek Secondary School Teachers with Children with ADHD in Their Classrooms. Unpublished Master Thesis. University of Nottingham.

Current project grants

An Ethnography on the School Experiences of Secondary School Students with ADHD in Scotland: Moving Towards an Intersectional Approach to Inclusion

Funded by the Principal's Career Development Scholarship from the University of Edinburgh

Conference details

Kalokyri, A. (March, 2024). A Discussion on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Intersectional Identities in a Secondary School in Scotland. Interweaving Conference, March 21st 2024, Moray School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Campus, Edinburgh, Scotland

Kalokyri, A. (May, 2022). Dealing with uncertainties in ethnographic fieldwork in a Scottish Secondary School, Interweaving Conference (Part Two), May 13th 2022, Moray School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Campus, Edinburgh, Scotland

Invited speaker

Interweaving Conference (Part One) - Moray House School of Education

'Student-Parent experiences' session, co-speaker

Academic Conference organised by PGR students for PGR students held on 14th of October 2021, Paterson’s Land, Moray School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Campus.


"Teaching strategies to support students with ADHD in Primary and Secondary School"

Organisation: Education Project Coordinator (PE02) V. Kalokyri, Education Project Coordinator (PE70) S. Martinou (PE70) and PhD researcher A. Kalokyri in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.

Two-day training course for primary and secondary school teachers. Held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece on 28-29 March 2019 (Ref.No: Φ2/684)


Interweaving Conference (Part Two)- Moray House School of Education

Academic Conference organised by PGR students for PGR students held on 13th of May 2022, Paterson’s Land, Moray School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Campus


Interweaving Conference (Part One) - Moray House School of Education

Networking event organised by PGR students for PGR students held on 14th of October 2021, Paterson’s Land, Moray School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Campus


"Teaching strategies to support students with ADHD in Primary and Secondary School"

Organisation: Education Project Coordinator (PE02) V. Kalokyri, Education Project Coordinator (PE70) S. Martinou (PE70) and PhD researcher A. Kalokyri in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.

Two-day training course for primary and secondary school teachers. Held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece on 28-29 March 2019 (Ref.No: Φ2/684)


5th Panhellenic Interdisciplinary Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) "From Child to Adult", held on 29-30 Oct & 01 Nov 2023, at Ibis Styles Heraklion Central Hotel, Heraklion Crete (21 CME-CPD credits)


4th Panhellenic Interdisciplinary Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) "From Child to Adult", held on 23-24 October 2021, online (16 CME-CPD credits)


Community Champion Leader, 2022-2023

  • Providing mentorship and guidance to the Community Champions (CC) volunteers • Planning and scheduling bi-weekly sessions to facilitate discussions, updates, and collaboration among CC volunteers. • Leading conversations during meetings • Encouraging collaboration among CC volunteers, fostering connections, and building partnerships with other departments and University members.

Community Champion, 2021-2022

  • Proposing and organising events and activities for new students advocating physical and mental health • Finding effective ways to disseminate communicative channels for students and staff • Discussing and incubating more creative and engaging platforms for students’ interactions from different programs at Moray House • Organising and delivering sessions on Practice Worth Sharing


Co-creator of support group (Collaboration with the Chaplaincy) Oct 2018-Jul 2019

  • Organising a series of discussions from academics talking about experiences of parenting whilst navigating academic career, mental health and flexible working.