Alexia Revueltas Roux (PhD student)
Thesis title: Capturing engagement in Early Science Learning: Triangulating Observational, Psychophysiological and Self-Report Measures
PhD Education
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
Contact details
PhD supervisors:
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Moray House School of Educationand Sport, IECS
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- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
Alexia is a PhD student in Education and Learning Sciences at the University of Edinburgh,who has been awarded her Doctoral Degree. Her doctoral research is aimed at examining the triangulation of methods for capturing engagement in early years while being in a science centre. Her research is part of the Move2Learn proyect, which is a UK/US collaboration to understand embodied science learning in the early years funded funded by the Wellcome Trust, the ESRC and the NSF.
Alexia studied her BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2009-2013) with a particular interest towards neuropsychology, focusing her thesis on analysing the development of recognition of facial expressions of emotion in Mexican children and adolescents. She was also part of the Neuropsychology and Cognition Lab at the same institution for 4 years. In 2016 she did her MSc in Human Cognitive Neuropsychology in the University of Edinburgh. Her dissertation focused on the influence of social contexts (competition-cooperation) in the executive functions of 5-8 year old children using NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) as neuroimaging technique to analyse it.
Professionally she taught robotics to children in elementary school as extracurricular activities for 4 years. Interestingly children would never use a notebook to learn and remember what was being taught. This started her interest in a more interdisciplinary approach of science education and neuropsychology
MSc Human Cognitive Neuropsychology - The University of Edinburgh. School of Philosophy, Psycholohy and Language Sciences (2016-2017)
BSc Psychology - National Autonomous University of Mexico. Faculty of Psychology (2009-2016)
Past PhD students supervised
-FU Dongqing
-HU Nansen
Project activity
- Involved in Move2Learn4Teachers research project
Interweaving 2019 - Moray House School of Education and Sport. Role: Co-chair
- The Power of Gesture in Science Communication – BIG EVENT: Skill sharing conference for STEM engagement professionals. Oral Session, (Meikleham & Revueltas Roux, July 2021)
- What does engagement look like in early science learning? Understanding multimodality in engagement. 4th Interweaving Conference, 11th November 2019. Pecha Kucha talk
- Exploring the relationship between engagement and learning: A new perspective. The 3rd Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, September 2018. Poster Session.
- Analysis of Mexican Children’s Recognition of Facial Expression of Emotion (2015). 43rd Annual Meeting INS (International Neuropsychological Society). February 2015, Denver, USA. Poster session. (Revueltas Roux, Pale Escobedo, Ramirez Flores)
- Design of a Task on Recognition of Facial Expression of Emotions for Mexican Children and Adolescents. 1st World Congress of Facial Expression of Emotion. Oporto, POR, October 2014. Poster session.