Alexandra Lorson (AFHEA)

PhD Linguistics & English Language

  • Linguistics and English Language
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Dugald Stewart Building

3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
Post code



Alex works in the area of experimental pragmatics and is interested in how interlocutors organise dialogue by using different linguistic tools to background and foreground the points they are making.

She is also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) since 2021 and has been a tutor for the department of Linguistics and English Language as well as the department of Psychology.


MSc in Linguistics (2015-2018)

        University of Potsdam

        Dissertation title: The influence of world knowledge on the projectivity of 'stop'

BA in German Studies (2012-2015)

        University of Mannheim

Research summary

presuppositions and projection, pragmatics, computational modeling

Current research interests

My doctoral project revolves around presuppositions. For this purpose, I investigate interlocutors' sensitivity to distinctions in how meaning is conveyed and the impact of discourse context and world knowledge on the way such information is interpreted.

Current project grants

CHSS/PPLS research award (College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science/ School of Philosophy, Psychology and
Language Sciences)

PhD studentship: AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities)