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Name Role Business unit(s)
Rebecca Whitehorn Research Administrator
Professor Bruce Whitelaw Personal Chair of Animal Biotechnology
Professor William Whiteley Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology
Susan Whittaker Research Fellow
Beth Whittington Clinical Research Fellow
Fergus Whyte Contracts Officer
Jenny Whyte Veterinary Nurse - General Rotation
Dr Alice Wickenden Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in Early Modern Literature
Sue Widdicombe Senior Lecturer
John Widdowson (PhD student)
Ronny Wiegand Head of Information Services and Infrastructure
Valeri Wiegel Research Fellow
Dr Pam Wiener Reader
Florian Wieser PhD Student - History
Alan Wigglesworth Deputy Director of Professional Services
Sophie Wigglesworth Small Animal Rotating Intern
Chris Arie Wijaya
Roo Wijeyesekera
Jonathan Wild Senior Lecturer
Sarah Wild Professor of Epidemiology