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Name Role Business unit(s)
Lea Soler-Clavel MScR student Genetics and Genomics
Francesca Soliman
Dr Bethany Sollereder Lecturer in Science and Religion
Ms Alex Solomon Head of Student Support and Experience
Mark Somerville PhD Psychology
Ritchie Somerville Head of Strategy Data Driven Innovation Programme
Fangzhou (Christine) Song (BEng, MDiv, MTh)
Jiyuan Song (PhD student)
Ke Song
Peige Song PhD Student
Yi Song
Gemma Sonka Dispensary Assistant
Roshini Sooriyarachchi Clinical Trials Statistician
Germander Soothill
Karen Sooy Research Development Advisor
Antonella Sorace Professor
Annie Sorbie
Dr David Sorfa Senior Lecturer in Film Studies | Director of PhD Film Studies
Agata Soroka Academic Policy Officer
Mariana Soto Pacheco Administration Support Assistant