Master of Family Medicine


This part-time programme aims to equip students with the skills to become excellent family doctors.

Picture of Dr Liz with two MFM graduates

The World Health Organisation has recognised the need for more family doctors as leaders of Primary Health Care teams in working towards achieving Universal Health Coverage, which is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We aim to bridge the gap in current provision of post graduate training world-wide by delivering an excellent programme which will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, processes, and practices of Family Medicine. The online, part-time format provides accessibility to students from across the world and enables study alongside day to day work.

The University of Edinburgh is particularly well placed to deliver this programme, being the first University in the world to hold a Chair in General Practice/Family Medicine. The programme contributes to the University’s internationalisation strategy through its investment in building skills for improving health, with a particular focus on rural areas in low and middle income countries.

The overall goals of this Master of Family Medicine (MFM) are:

  •  To produce compassionate, competent and patient-centred family doctors, able to provide comprehensive and effective management of a wide range of health problems
  •  To create a community of Family Medicine practice that will contribute to the provision of Universal Health Coverage across the world.
  • To create future leaders who can advocate policy in local and national contexts.


Global Health Academy

This programme is affiliated with the University's Global Health Academy.

Global Health Academy

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