Thematic hubs
With over 250 research staff and students, Moray House School of Education and Sport has a vibrant and expanding research community with a broad portfolio of academic disciplines gathered within seven broad research themes with permeable boundaries.
Our seven thematic hubs
Advanced Quantitative Research in Education
The Advanced Quantitative Research in Education Thematic Hub builds interdisciplinary connections and creates grounds for cross-fertilisation among researchers using advanced quantitative methods.
Advanced Quantitative Research in Education
Children and Young People
This Thematic Hub draws together a wide range of research topics relevant to children and young people. It involves a number of intersecting groups: Childhood and Youth Studies; Comparative Education and International Development; Developmental Psychology; and Early Years Research, Policy and Practice.
Digital Education
The Digital Education Thematic Hub considers the intersection of education with technology, and the impact of digital change on culture, policy and practice.
Centre for Research in Digital Education
Language, Interculturality and Literacies
The Language, Interculturality and Literacies Hub focuses on the nature and roles of language(s) in learning. It brings together a broad range of fields into three key groupings: Language, Literacies and Interculturality.
Language, Interculturality and Literacies
Social Justice and Inclusion
The Social Justice and Inclusion Thematic Hub continues the long tradition and commitment of Moray House to research and knowledge exchange aimed at understanding and addressing inequality and injustice.
Sport-Related Research
The Sport-Related Research Thematic Hub is committed to the creation, dissemination and curation of world leading research and knowledge exchange in sport, physical education, physical activity for health and human performance science.
Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy Thematic Hub focuses on teachers and teaching and develops innovative work on curriculum and pedagogy.
Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Hub registration
Hub registration for our current research staff and students.