Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine
Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine

Andrew McIntosh (Affiliate)

Using genetic discoveries to identify the mechanisms of mental illness and resilience

Professor Andrew McIntosh

Research in a Nutshell

Professor McIntosh’s uses genetic variants as instruments to better understand the mechanisms of mood disorders, cognitive ability, resilience and related traits. He collaborates with others and uses a number of methods, including NHS data linkage, clinical and psychometric assessment, brain imaging and studies of human cell lines derived from induced pluripotent stem cells.



Prof Andrew McIntosh Group Leader
Mark Adams Research Fellow
Matthew Iverson Senior Data Scientist
Carys Pugh Research Fellow
Alex Kwong Research Fellow
Elizabeth Kirkham Research Fellow
Iona Beange Knowledge Exchange Officer
Emma Hawkins Data Administrator
Shen Xueyi PhD Student
Dominic Sykes PhD Student
Anders Jespersen PhD Student
Melissa Lewins PhD Student
Melisa Chuong PhD Student (With Chris Haley)




  • Professor Ian Deary, University of Edinburgh 
  • Professor Kathryn Evans, University of Edinburgh 
  • Professor David Glahn, Yale University
  • Professor Daniel Smith, University of Glasgow
  • The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium

Partners and Funders

  • Wellcome Trust
  • National Institutes of Health
  • European Union

Scientific Themes

Psychiatric genetics and genomics, brain imaging, data science, stem cells

Technology Expertise

Clinical psychiatric assessment, statistics