Edinburgh Cancer Research

Val Brunton

Signalling and the regulation of cancer growth and metastasis

Professor Val Brunton - Professor of Cancer Therapeutics

Research in a Nutshell 

Tumour cells metastasise via a series of discrete biological processes that allow cells to disseminate from the primary tumour, move and colonise distant sites within the body. Our research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms whereby tumour cells can metastasise and in particular how adhesion networks drive metastatic spread. More recently we have also become interested in how these same adhesion pathways regulate the tumour microenvironment.

We use a range of protein/peptide technologies, genetic intervention and high-definition biological analysis including mouse models of cancer and quantitative intra-vital imaging that permits visualisation of multiple cancer cell phenotypes in vivo. This provides information on the molecular regulators of cancer processes linked to invasion, metastasis and survival in the tumour environment and allows us to monitor drug efficacy and mechanism of action of new molecularly targeted agents to enable identification of more effective treatments.

Research Programme

brunton laboratory 2024


Val Brunton

Principal Investigator and Professor of Cancer Therapeutics

Nicole Barth Postdoctoral Scientist
Annabel Black PhD Student
Esme Bullock Postdoctoral Scientist
Giovana Carrasco Gonzalez Postdoctoral Scientist
Julián Corzo Ochoa MRes Student
Molly Danks PhD Student
Muhammad Furqan Postdoctoral Scientist (with Neil Carragher/Margaret Frame)
Rashi Krishna PhD Student (with Ailith Ewing)
Martin Lee Imaging Engineer
Spyros Letsios PhD Student (with Alison Hulme)
Piotr Manasterski Postdoctoral Scientist
Morwenna Muir Senior Technical Officer
Sana Shabbir PhD Student
Kinga Suba Postdoctoral Scientist (joint appointment Imperial College)
Emily Webb Postdoctoral Scientist (with Margaret Frame)



PA: Jan.Irvine@ed.ac.uk

Scientific Themes

Metastasis, drug resistance, adhesion signalling

Technology Expertise

Mouse models of cancer, multimodal fluorescence and Raman imaging, cell biology