Athena SWAN
What is Athena SWAN and what award does the School of Biological Sciences and the University hold
What is Athena SWAN
The School holds a Silver award in Athena SWAN but what is Athena SWAN?
‘The Athena SWAN Charter is based on ten key principles. By being part of Athena SWAN, institutions are committing to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture.
At School Level
Previously the School successfully renewed its Athena SWAN Silver award, in recognition of its success in providing positive support for women during their careers. The renewal was submitted in April 2016 and awarded in September 2016. Our original Athena SWAN silver was awarded in 2013. Due to changes to the Athena SWAN award process in 2020, and disruptions associated with Covid-19, School of Biological Sciences has been given an extension on their 2016 Silver award until April 2022. The School continues to systematically work towards objectives and targets that further gender equality. Since the renewal the School has taken the decision, with support for Senior University Management, to write a more inclusive statement supporting all aspects of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the School. This will take effect from November 2022.
Previous Athena SWAN documentation
At University Level
The University of Edinburgh achieved an Athena SWAN Institution Silver Award in 2015.
University of Edinburgh Athena SWAN submission
Athena SWAN 'tips for success'
David Gray and Meriem El Karoui feature in the Wellcome Trust video 'Athena SWAN awardees share tips for success'