Edinburgh Clinical Trials

Completed Studies

Portfolio of completed studies.

For further information please click on the study name.

Rheumatology / Orthopaedics:

AbbVie M13-549 (moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis)

AbbVie M13-542 (safety and efficacy of ABT-494)

MALDI-MS (kidney injury biomarkers)

FAB (alendronic acid and wrist fractures)

ACT- Move (efficacy of switching to SC tocilizumab)

AXLES1 (x-linked hypophosphatemia )

FAST (febuxostat safety in gout)

SCOT (NSAID safety in OA)

LASER (assisted staphylococcal eradication)

PRISM-EZ  (paget's disease)

TANGO (efficacy of subcutaneous tanezumab)

OPPORTUNITY (osteoarthritis in knees)

TRIO-Physio (physiotherapy vs knee replacement)


CHILD-EU (lung disease)

BIDS (bronchiolitis)


Health Economics:

Allocative Efficiency in End of Life Care (achieving a more cost-effective mix of services within health and social care services to maximise the health of the UK)

Eribulin Audit (post-adoption surveillance audit of new medicines for metastatic breast cancer in the real world)

Info-BC (decision making in early and advanced breast cancer)

SATURNE (Scottish adjuvant therapy unified routine data natural experiment)


Public Health:

COVID Community study (management of COVID-19 through data-driven research)

APPRAISE (alcohol intervention for remand prisoners)

Stand Up for Health (sedentary behaviour in call centres)



4AT (triage tool for delirium)

CLOTS (stroke)

DelApp (validation studies to assess the diagnostic accuracy of a software application for detection and monitoring of attentional deficits in delirium)

EuroHYP-1 (stroke)

FOCUS (stroke)

IST-3 (stroke)

LACI-2 (prevention of recurrent lacunar stroke)

MASK  (stroke)

MND-SMART (Motor Neurone Disease Systematic Multi-Arm Adaptive Randomised Trial)

MS-SMART (multiple sclerosis)

PREVENT-SVD (small vessel stroke)

RESTART (spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage)

SOCLE II  (stroke)

SoSTART (anticoagulants and brain haemorrhage)

POSITIF (post stroke fatigue)



Cardiac CARE (high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I)

cTnI Monitoring (cardiac damage in breast cancer)

DIAMOND (coronary atherosclerosis and PET CT)

EMPIRE (effect of elafin on myocardial injury)


HighSTEACS (high sensitivity troponin)

MA3RS (abdominal aortic aneurysms)

SCOTHEART (computer tomography coronary angiography for the prevention of myocardial infarction)

National Atrial Fibrilliation Pilot

EVoLVeD (early valve replacement)

HiSTORIC (high sensitivity troponin)

PRE18FFIR (PET CT and myocardial infarction)

SALTIRE II (aortic stenosis)



MOBIDIC (E Coli detection in Crohn's)

PREdiCCt (crohn's disease flare up)

TOPPIC (prevent recurrence of crohn's disease)

GEM (crohn's disease)

PREdiCCt (crohn's and colitis flare up)

SPARE (crohn's disease)


Palliative Care:

TiBoP (cancer induced bone pain)

MINT(chemotheraphy induced peripheral neuropathy)

GI-ACP (advance care planning in cancer)



HOT2 (renal transport - delayed graft function)

Emergency/Critical Care:

ABLE (age of blood evaluation)


ExPRES Sepsis (test to predict high risk patients)

INFECT (phenotyping immune cell dysfunction)

POP (paracetamol overdose)



RAPID CTCA (acute coronary syndrome)



COPD Respiratory Monitoring

HITS: Hypertension


Monocyte Depletion

PIB CAP (personalised antibiotic treatment for pneumonia) 

Obstetrics / Gynaecology:

AFFIRM (awareness of decreased foetal movements)

EMPOWaR (efficacy of metformin)

GAPP (management of chronic pelvic pain)

DEXFEM (endometrial glucocorticoid deficiency) 

METAFOR (gestational diabetes)



BALANCE (diabetes: digital disease management)

RESORP (recovery from acute pancreatitis)


ELVIS (nasal irrigation for common cold)





Further information:

All current studies UKCRC Studies Commercial Partnerships
Data Linkage Studies Health Services Research Studies