Edinburgh Clinical Trials

Lothian NMAHP Research Community

The Lothian NMAHP Research Strategy is a partnership between NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University and Queen Margaret University. It aims to increase research within the Lothian NMAHP research community.

Stakeholder event: Ambitions for Collaborative Research Solutions

Video Presentation: NHS Lothian's Executive Nurse Director, Professor Alex McMahon, welcomes the 70 delegates attending this event on Wednesday 26 October 2016.

NMAHP Research Framework

The Lothian NMAHP Research Framework aims to increase research within a Lothian NMAHP research community.

NMAHP Research Futures

Research Futures is an innovative funding scheme to support early career researchers for NMAHPs employed by NHS Lothian.

Progress and Achievements

The NMAHP Research Community launched in January 2011. Since then, it has established a strategic framework, and developed a number of schemes to support new and existing health services researchers.

Lothian Clinical Academic Research Career (CARC) Scheme

The Lothian Clinical Academic Research Careers (CARC) Scheme for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) is a funding scheme which operates by funding backfill for NMAHPs who wish to conduct research and develop their research skills, knowledge and qualifications.

Clinical Academic Homes

A framework has been established to guide and promote the development of honorary clinical 'homes' within NHS Lothian services for local academic researchers, and honorary academic 'homes' for NHS Lothian NMAHP staff within the partner universities.


Keep up to date with what is happening in the community by reading the NMAHP Research Community newsletters.