Ms Louise Gilchrist

IS Helpdesk Supervisor


I graduated the University in 1999, with an MA (Hons) in Religious Studies, and followed this with a PG Dip. in Information and Library Studies from RGU, in 2001.  After a short period of unemployment I took a job with the Inland Revenue (now HMRC), where I met my husband-to-be.  My University career began in 2004, when I started work as a library assistant in the old EBVC and CTVM libraries, that were here before the new Vet school was built.  After a year I moved to the library at Summerhall, where I stayed for a further 2 years.  Another sideways move took me to the libraries at the KB campus in 2007, and I remained there until 2013, with two years out when my daughters were born.  After returning from my second period of maternity leave, I became a Helpdesk assistant in the Main Library, and was there until July 2018 when I was appointed Helpdesk Supervisor, here at the Lady Smith of Kelvin Veterinary Library.  Outside of work I am in training to become a local preacher with the Methodist Church; and am a (lapsed) member of CAMRA (i.e. ‘real’ ale enthusiast.)