Fabian Yii

Thesis title: Harnessing artificial intelligence for pathologic myopia risk prediction

Postgraduate teaching

Machine Learning Practical (INFR11132), School of Informatics: Demonstrator/Tutor/Marker

Foundations of Data Science (INF2-FDS), School of Informatics: Marker

Text Remix (EFIE11004), Edinburgh Futures Institute: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant

Narrative and Computational Text Analysis (EFIE11088), Edinburgh Futures Institute: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant

Research summary

Primary research interests are myopia and computer vision.


Conference details

MICCAI Myopic Maculopathy Analysis Challenge 2023, Vancouver: "Domain knowledge-guided training of a deep neural network for myopic maculopathy classification" (online oral presentation)

MICCAI Workshop on Resource Efficient Medical Image Analysis 2023, Vancouver: "Data efficiency of Segment Anything Model for optic disc and cup segmentation" (online oral presentation)

International Visual Field & Imaging Symposium 2022, Berkeley, California: "Power to the people: estimating the detectability of change in individual patients’ visual field series" (online oral presentation)

MICCAI Workshop on Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis 2022, Singapore: "Rethinking retinal image quality: treating quality threshold as a tunable hyperparameter" (poster presentation)