
Developmental lab

A state-of-the-art facility for infant/child research on the development of language and cognition

Lab access

Due to the ongoing reorganisation of research facilities in PPLS, it is essential that any new on-campus research study should contact to confirm that a suitable research room is available.

Developmental lab at 7 George Square

The lab has a child-friendly waiting area and five testing rooms, allowing us to study children from infancy to adolescence. Equipment includes multiple remote eye trackers (including Eyelink, Tobii and SMI devices), a NIRS system allowing functional brain imaging, and an inter-modal preferential looking paradigm set-up with a 50-inch visual display.

Who can use this facility

Restricted to research projects and students under the supervision of qualified staff. For details, please contact Hugh Rabagliati.

Hugh Rabagliati


Room B7-11, Psychology Building, 7 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ

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