
Psychology seminar

Speaker: Susan E. Gathercole (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, and University of Cambridge)

Title: CALM and collected: A dimensional approach to developmental impairments of attention, learning and memory

Abstract: I will report findings from a new research clinic in Cambridge for children with problems spanning attention, learning (to include language and academic attainment) and memory that have come to the attention of practitioners in education and health. Its purpose is to identify whether there are common dimensions of neurocognitive impairment underpinning a wide range of neurodevelopmental problems associated with varying diagnoses. To date, 450 children have visited the clinic. Key findings so far are that i) a simple dimensional structure of verbal and nonverbal abilities characterises this apparently heterogeneous sample, ii) Working Memory problems are consistent in individuals with significant learning problems, iii) the social use of language is closely linked with attentional symptomatology, and iv) the functional connectivity in the working memory system changes across the childhood years.


Dr Richard Shillcock

Feb 17 2017 -

Psychology seminar

17 Feb 2017: CALM and collected: A dimensional approach to developmental impairments of attention, learning and memory

Lecture Theatre F21, Psychology Building, 7 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ