English and Scottish Literature

Glasgow Concerts in the 1930s: Performing Russian Music in Scotland

The free concert starred soprano Olga Ivakina, bass-baritone Arshak Kuzikyan, and Rusne-monika Palsauskaite and Timothy Dean on piano. The programme included selections from Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Sviridov, Medtner, Mussorgsky, Shostakovich and Prokofiev, as well as Erik Chisholm's Celtic Folk Songs.


Photo copyright of the Erik Chisholm Trust

Soprano Olga Ivakina and Timothy Dean on piano
Oct 17 2014 -

Glasgow Concerts in the 1930s: Performing Russian Music in Scotland

The free concert starred soprano Olga Ivakina, bass-baritone Arshak Kuzikyan, and Rusne-monika Palsauskaite and Timothy Dean on piano.

Reid Concert Hall
The University of Edinburgh