Demonstrating EdWeb

Showcase videos

These videos are intended to showcase what EdWeb and the new University website can do.

These videos should be of interest to anyone with a stake in University website management - whether or not they are hands-on web editors.

EdWeb login and preview experience

This video shows the basic EdWeb interface, and how to "previewā€¯ pages. It also shows that editing is performed in the context of the University site.

Dashboard, user profile and permissions

This video shows the dashboard, and how it will replace notifications. It also helps understand permissions groups in the system.

EdWeb editorial experience

This video introduces the editing experience, in comparison with previous content management systems, to display the features that make editing easier in the new system.

Managing overview pages

This video displays the new overview content type, which provides automatic navigation at the top of subsections of content.

Content reuse

This video highlights how easy it is to add reusable content ('assets') into EdWeb.

Proxy functionality

This video introduces the possibilities presented by the 'Web Application' function in EdWeb, used to proxy other web content (including Extensible Markup Language (XML) feeds).

Homepage management

This video seeks to familiarise editors with the new homepage editing interface.