Information Services

Sharing our lecture recording vision

Colleagues from Information Services and the University of Edinburgh Business School attended the Echo360 Europe and Middle Eastern region conference recently.

Media Hopper Replay logo

Echo360 are the underpinning technology behind our new University lecture recording service  - Media Hopper Replay.

Anne-Marie Scott from Learning, Teaching and Web Services gave an overview of our rollout project and ambitions over the next 3 years. The team heard from colleagues at range of Universities, including UCL on their plans to move towards an ‘opt-out’ model; University of Tasmania on running Echo360 at significant scale; the University of Michigan on using lecture recording engagement to support student success; and King’s College London on using lecture recording to support accessibility, particularly students who find attending large classes overwhelming or difficult to cope with.

Find out more about the Media Hopper Replay service.

(Ed. This article was originally published on 6 Sep, 2017)