Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group report on COVID-19 March 2021
The Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) is the national adult critical care audit and quality assurance programme.
Main Points Taken From Report
As at 7th March (publication date 31st March)
- There were 1,808 admissions to ICUs in Scotland relating to 1,731 patients with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 disease.
- In wave 2 a higher proportion of patients were managed with non-invasive ventilation on admission to ICU (17% in wave 1 compared with 53% in wave 2) with a corresponding reduction in the use of advanced respiratory support (66% in wave 1, 37% in wave 2).
- Mortality measured at 30-days after ICU admission was similar in the two waves (39% in wave 1, 37% in wave 2).
- Over 1 in 4 of ICU patients had a prolonged ICU stay (longer than 3 weeks) and 1 in 6 remained in ICU for more than 28 days.
- There were 1,193 patients with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 disease admitted to HDUs. Of these, 972 were admitted in wave 2. In wave 2, 30-day mortality was lower in HDU patients compared with ICU patients (29% compared with 37%).