Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

SPLAS Seminar Series: Cinema of/as Garbage workshop with Luz Horne

About the seminar

Cinema of/as Garbage: Eduardo Coutinho’s Politics of Image from 'Jogo de Cena' (2007) to 'Boca de Lixo' (1992)

In this workshop, we welcome Dr Luz Horne (Universidad de San Andrés) to Edinburgh to situate Brazilian documentarian Eduardo Coutinho's filmography as a turning point in the debate on the relationship between aesthetics and politics. She will focus on 'Boca de Lixo' (1992), filmed in a landfill outside Rio de Janeiro, arguing that its greatest innovation lies in a particular theory of the cinematic image, through which it is possible to adopt an ethical stance in filming extreme poverty, marginality and exclusion. 'Boca de Lixo' will be analysed alongside the more recent 'Jogo de Cena' (2007).


Dr Luz Horne is Profesor Adjunta in the Department of Humanities and Academic Director of the International Programs Department at the University of San Andrés (Argentina). She obtained her PhD in Brazilian and Hispanic American Literature at Yale University (2005) and her degree in Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires (1999). Prior to joining San Andrés (2010), she was a Visiting Professor at Northwestern University (2005-06) and an Assistant Professor at Cornell University (2006-10). Her publications have appeared in Hispanic Review, Journal of Latin American Literary Criticism and LASA-Forum. Her book 'Literaturas reales. Transformaciones del realismo en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea' was published in 2011 by Beatriz Viterbo Editora.

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This AHGBI workshop will be in English. It is hosted by the Instituto Camões and the Centre for Contemporary Latin American Studies (CCLAS) at the University of Edinburgh, in conjunction with colleagues in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS), and Film Studies. It is free to attend and you don't have to book. Everyone welcome.

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Related links

Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland [external site]

Centre for Contemporary Latin American Studies

Instituto Camões [external site]

Film Studies

Feb 12 2019 -

SPLAS Seminar Series: Cinema of/as Garbage workshop with Luz Horne

An Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) workshop, hosted by the Instituto Camões and CCLAS in conjunction with Film Studies.

Room G.04
50 George Square