Information Services

Extra study space in the central area during December

Looking for study space in the central area for revision? The Main Library will be busy but there are alternative spaces available.

The Main Library will be busy over the exam period.  The Lower Ground Floor, Ground Floor and Floor 1 are open 24/7: in addition, Floors 2, 3, 4 and 5 will also remain open 24/7 from 07:30 on Saturday 2 December to 23:59 pm on Thursday 21 December. 

The 4 teaching rooms on Floor 1 of the Main Library (70 seats) can be used from Saturday 2 December to Friday 22 December.

The Centre for Research Collections (CRC) Research Suite on Floor 6 also has study space.  The Research Support Collection Room (49 seats) is available daily from 07:00 to 23:30; in addition, the Research Suite (12 seats) may be used during CRC opening hours, up to and including Friday 22 December. 

Look out for the purple t-shirted library helpers who can assist you in finding a space in the Main Library.

As an alternative to the Main Library, why not try the 200 additional study spaces which are available 08:30 to 22:00 from Saturday 2 December to Sunday 17 December in the David Hume Tower (DHT) Hub rooms LG06-LG11 (note: LG06 weekdays only).  Or use other libraries and open-access computing spaces

The Law Library and David Hume Tower Ground Floor computer lab are open longer on 3 Sundays: 3, 10 and 17 December, 12:00-19:00.

The School of Scottish Studies Archives Library at 29 George Square (18 seats) is also open for any students to use: opening hours are Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 to 16:00.

The interactive study spaces map can help you to find a study space:

Good luck with your exams!

(Ed. this article was originally published on 1 Dec, 2017)