RA2018 - The Project

A summary of the work done on the RA2018 project from its initiation in 2014 through to summer 2017.


These webpages, along with the RAM model and Service Expectations Statements, are a log of the framework and approach agreed as part of the RA2018 project at the time it was live. Please return to the main page: RA2018 Project & Planning Round 2018-21 for the current implementation position.


Simple, Transparent and Strategic

The main objective of the RA2018 project is to design a straightforward, logical and equitable methodology for the allocation of financial resources to Colleges and Support Groups on a rolling three-year basis, set within a clear ten-year context. It will provide transparency of where and how income is generated, support the delivery of the University’s longer-term strategic objectives and ensure long-term financial sustainability.


What is Resource Allocation and why does the University of Edinburgh need it?

A high-level view of the RA2018 Project Plan, complete with comprehensive guide to provide more detailed information.

Documentation from the Project phase of the development of RA2018. Access is only available to staff of the University of Edinburgh using their EASE login credentials.

A list of questions and answers in relation to RA2018 along with the cost driver definitions and supporting documents.