Scottish Immunology Groups Network 2023
This is the British Society Immunology's scientific symposium - Scottish Immunology Groups Network (SIGNET) 2023.
SIGNET (Scottish Immunology Groups Network 2023) is a full-day in-person symposium which aims to bring together immunologists from across Scotland to share research and foster new research networks and collaborations.
A strong focus of SIGNET is promoting early career researchers and eight oral presentations from postdocs/PhD students will be selected from submitted abstracts (two per Group) in addition to the poster session, which will include prizes! Abstract submission is open until 14:00 GMT on Friday 20 January.
Invited Speakers:
Keynote presentation by Professor Caroloa Vinuesa (Francis Crick Institute, UK)
Keynote presentation by Professor David Sancho (Spanish Centre of Cardiovascular Research)
Invited talks from researchers across each BSI Regional Group who will present throughout the day:
- University of Aberdeen: Dr Patrick Cao
- University of Dundee: Dr Mahima Swamy
- University of Edinburgh: Dr Calum Bain
- University of Glasgow: Professor Maggie Harnett
Scottish Immunology Groups Network 2023
Perth Concert Hall, Perth, UK