Edinburgh Imaging

Completed projects

Edinburgh Imaging's completed stroke projects.

Completed projects
Title Description


Enhanced Control of Hypertension & Thrombolysis Stroke Study

  • Randomised-controlled trial comparing the following acute treatments for ischaemic stroke:

    1. Low dose IV alteplase versus standard dose
    2. Intensive blood pressure lowering versus standard care


Third International Stroke Trial


Phase IIa clinical trial in stroke disability

  • PISCES II is a single arm, open-label study in patients living with disability resulting from ischaemic stroke
PISTE Pragmatic Ischaemic Stroke Thrombectomy Evaluation (PISTE)
  • A randomised controlled clinical trial of adjunctive mechanical thrombectomy compared with intravenous thrombolysis in patients with acute ischaemic stroke due to an occluded major intracranial vessel.

Preventing cognitive decline & dementia from cerebral small vessel disease. (LACunar Intervention Trial-1)

  • The trial hypothesis is to test whether a much larger scale study testing the effects of Cilostazol & ISMN on preventing brain damage from small vessel disease will be feasible.


Rapid intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke trial-2