Study abroad in Edinburgh

Course finder

Semester 2

Literary Studies 2B: English Literature in the World, post-1789 (ENLI08025)


English Literature





Normal Year Taken


Delivery Session Year



Visiting students must have completed at least one English Literature course previously at grade B or above - we will only consider university/college courses towards this pre-requisite. Please see Additional Restrictions below.

Course Summary

This course aims to introduce students to different methods of reading literature historically. In order to learn how to place specific textual representations in their wider social and intellectual contexts, students will examine a range of literary genres, encompassing both canonical and non-canonical texts from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. The texts have been selected to encourage critical engagement with the global dimensions of 'English Literature'.

Course Description

Each week two lectures will provide an introduction to key texts, with a broad overview of the relevant literary and historical context. They will also explain appropriate terminology and demonstrate how this is used in practice. To consolidate your understanding, you will undertake regular, formative exercises both individually and in small groups to prepare for broader discussion in weekly hour-long tutorials. The first section of the course will focus on literature written after 1788 and be divided into two sections. The first section will examine the period 1789-1880; the second from 1880 to the period of decolonization following WWII. At the end of each section, you will be expected to demonstrate your reflection upon and application of what you have learned by submitting a 2,000-word essay.

Assessment Information

Written Exam 0%, Coursework 100%, Practical Exam 0%

Additional Restrictions

Visiting students can only take one of the following sets of courses during any programme of study: ‘Literary Studies 1A/1B’, ‘Literary Studies 2A/2B’ or ‘Scottish Literature 2A/2B’. Courses from these three sets cannot be combined during the same programme of study. This course therefore cannot be taken alongside Literary Studies 1A/1B or Scottish Literature 2A/2B.

view the timetable and further details for this course


All course information obtained from this visiting student course finder should be regarded as provisional. We cannot guarantee that places will be available for any particular course. For more information, please see the visiting student disclaimer:

Visiting student disclaimer