Hans A. Wilke

PhD Linguistics & English Language

  • Linguistics and English Language
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details


2018- : PhD in Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh

  • Project: 'The Role of Information Structure in Syntactic Processing'

For my PhD project I am studying how syntactic features and information structural features contribute to the processing of discourse units. I am investigating how clause-type (matrix/subordinate), clause-position (sentence-early/sentence-final) and information structural status (given/new information) contribute to the processing of individual clauses.

Additionally, I am looking into how these features impact comprehenders' expectations of what will be mentioned next. Is clause-type or clause-position more important when it comes to predicting which content from a sentence can be extracted to be discourse-continuing?


2016-2018: Master of Arts (research) in Linguistics, University of Amsterdam

  • Dissertation title: 'The Interface Hypothesis and the Vulnerability Hypothesis tested in situations of comparable frequency'

2011-2015: Bachelor of Arts in Slavonic Languages and Cultures: Serbian-Croatian, University of Amsterdam

  • Dissertation title: 'Evidentiality in Serbian and Croatian: a comparison between evidentiality and related categories in BCS, Bulgarian and Macedonian'


Responsibilities & affiliations

2018- :Tutor in Linguistics and English Language

  • Child BIlingualism: Language & Cognition (honours)
  • Discourse Analysis (honours)
  • Introduction to Language Research (postgraduate)
  • Pragmatics (honours & postgraduate)
  • Linguistics & English Language 1A, 1B, 2A, 2C
  • PPLS Skills Centre (personal tutor on request)