The Principal's Office

Professor Andrew Morris

Andrew Morris is Professor of Medicine and Vice-Principal Data Science. He is seconded from the University as Inaugural Director of Health Data Research UK. He was elected as President of the Academy of Medical Sciences in April 2024.

Areas of responsibility as Vice-Principal Data Science

  • To advise senior management on matters of data science under deliberation by Scottish, UK, and European Union institutions that impact on the work of the University.
  • To work with the Provost and other Vice-Principals to develop Edinburgh Data Science.

University level committee membership

  • University Executive

Contact details

Andrew Morris can be contacted via his assistant, Mrs Karen Dawson, on the telephone number 07384 248246 or direct using the details below.

Professor Andrew Morris CBE (FRSE MedSci)

Vice-Principal Data Science

  • Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details



Usher Building
The University of Edinburgh
5-7 Little France Road
Edinburgh Bioquarter – Gate 3

Post Code
EH16 4UX