Student news

Inaugural Lecture: Professor Mark Linne

Professor Mark Linne, Chair in Combustion Engines, will deliver his inaugural lecture on Thursday 9 February.

The lecture – Clean Combustion - is that really a thing? – takes place from 5.30-6.30pm in the Swann Lecture Theatre at King’s Buildings.

Professor Linne will discuss how combustion engines fit into the energy scene, where we are in terms of our ability to reduce climate impacts, and what will be required.

Staff and students are welcome to attend. Please confirm you attendance by emailing:  


Mark Linne earned a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 1985.

Upon graduation he worked as a laser development scientist at Spectra-Physics Inc. before taking up a position as an assistant professor at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado.

In 2002, Professor Linne took a professorial post in Combustion Physics at the Institution for Engineering Physics at the University of Lund, Sweden. He left in 2006 to become the manager of the Combustion Chemistry Department at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility.

In 2009 Prof. Linne took a position as a professor in the Combustion Division within the Institution for Applied Mechanics at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden.

He has held the Chair of Combustion Engines at the University of Edinburgh since 2015.

Professor Linne’s research has mostly to do with experimental chemical energy conversion, multiphase flows, and advanced laser and x-ray measurement techniques for such problems.

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Prof Mark Linne

School of Engineering