Student news

Free online course on 2015 General Election

Want to learn about the UK's 2015 general election? Do you know how the system works, what is at stake, and how will it affect you?

Whether or not you have a vote, if you want to gain a better understanding of political issues in the UK, join Edinburgh University ‘Understanding the General Election’ on Coursera.

Election plloing station sign

Only 1-3 hours commitment over three weeks, commencing April 27, Dr Alan Convery will, in real-time, shed light on the issues at stake, the electoral system and the territorial implications of this election.

A mixture of videos, articles and quizzes will be used to explain the main issues and then the interactive seminar will take the form of weekly live-streamed discussions. The unique real-time delivery of the course will allow you influence course content in response to current UK events. We'll take your questions via the course site and Twitter. We'd also like to invite you to predict the election results.

Simply tell us what you want to know and we'll try to include it in the course materials and in our weekly interactive live-streamed seminar Q&A.

Sign up

Sign up on the Coursera website:

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