Student news

Design a web or mobile app

Got an idea for a web or mobile app that could improve the student experience? Enter the Student Led Innovation competition and turn your idea into reality!

Mobile phone

The winning team will be awarded £5000 to turn their idea into a prototype this summer. We'll sort out office space for your team, and you'll be given plenty of freedom to work away. Student Systems and Information Systems will provide support, but ultimately it's your project.

This is a great opportunity to develop new skills, work on real-life problems, and provide a valuable application for your fellow students.

From idea to reality

In 2013, Maths students Paul Horrocks and Greg Tyler approached the University with designs for a web application to improve the way students select their courses. Their creation was piloted and is now a central University system:

Earlier this year, the University was awarded the UCISA Award for Excellence for Path, which included this £5,000 fund for student led innovation.

How to enter

Complete the online application form by 28th May.

Visit the Student Systems website for further information including competition FAQs: