Study abroad in Edinburgh

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Semester 2

Time, Economics and Resource Allocation in Britain 1930-1990 (ECSH10094)


Economic and Social History





Normal Year Taken


Delivery Session Year



Visiting students must have completed 3 History courses at grade B or above, and please note that we will only consider courses with a specific focus on History (not including History of Art) towards these pre-requisites. We will only consider University/College level courses. **Please see Additional Restrictions below**

Course Summary

This course provides an analysis of the changing interaction between time, economic theory and economic policy-making in the UK between 1930 and 1990.

Course Description

This one-semester course examines the changing use made of the concept of time in economic theory and in UK economic policy-making from the 1930s. Topics covered include: technology, fixed capital investment and the pricing of time; Hayek and the Austrian approach to time and markets; J.M. Keynes and the making of The General Theory; John Hicks and the interpretation of The General Theory; Frank Ramsey and discounting; Nicholas Kaldor and export-led growth and expenditure taxation; Maurice Allais, Paul Samuelson and the Over-Lapping Generations model; and James Meade and marginal-cost pricing. The policy areas covered will include: tangible and intangible assets; human capital; the distribution of income and wealth; housing; social security; health; the ownership and structure of utility industries; public investment; property rights and the law of the sea; and taxation.

Assessment Information

Written Exam 0%, Coursework 100%, Practical Exam 0%

Additional Restrictions

Unless you are nominated on a History or HCA exchange agreement, visiting students are only permitted to enrol in two 3rd year History courses each, per semester, before the start of the relevant semester’s welcome period – and spaces on each course are limited so cannot be guaranteed for any student. This includes courses in Economic History and Scottish History. Enrolment in a third course from this group will depend on whether there are still spaces available in the January Welcome Period, and cannot be guaranteed. It is NOT appropriate for students to contact staff within this subject area to ask for an exception to be made; all enquiries to enrol in these courses must be made through the CAHSS Visiting Student Office. This is due to the limited number of spaces available in this very popular subject area.

view the timetable and further details for this course


All course information obtained from this visiting student course finder should be regarded as provisional. We cannot guarantee that places will be available for any particular course. For more information, please see the visiting student disclaimer:

Visiting student disclaimer