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Semester 2

Medical Biology 1 (BIME08004)


Biomedical Sciences





Normal Year Taken


Delivery Session Year



Course Summary

The aims of this course are to demonstrate, through lectures and facilitated group discussions, the scientific basis of modern medicine; and the role of basic biological sciences in advancing medical knowledge. The course is suitable for first-year Biology students, as well as students with an interest in human biology and medicine from other Schools and Colleges.

Course Description

This course aims to provide an introduction to the scientific basis of modern medicine and the role of biological sciences in the understanding and treatment of disease. This will be delivered through a series of lectures, facilitated group discussions, a practical class and assessed written reports.This course will provide an insight into various disciplines which may be studied in BSc Honours Biomedical Sciences degree programmes i.e. give a taster of more advanced material covered in honours courses. It will provide a basic understanding of practical material relevant to biological sciences and enable you to develop personal skills in interpreting basic scientific research and communicating scientific ideas and information in a clear, accurate and well organised manner. Specifically this course will provide:1. Knowledge of the biological basis of a number of global health issues and diseases of current interest.2. The ability to develop skills in assimilating information related to particular research topics and to prepare balanced, concise written accounts based on understanding and critical evaluation of evidence obtained from reading scientific publications and from participation in group discussions.3 Development of practical skills in measuring biological variables in a laboratory, recording, collating and analyzing the data statistically and graphically, and preparing concise summaries of the results. Reviewing, interpreting, integrating and discussing the findings in relation to published evidence, and presenting a referenced report as a project dissertation.

Assessment Information

Written Exam 50%, Coursework 50%, Practical Exam 0%

Additional Assessment Information

ICA: Write-up of practical project (25%); concise write-up of Facilitated Group Discussion topic, expressing an argued viewpoint (25%).

view the timetable and further details for this course


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