Study abroad in Edinburgh

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Semester 2

Health Systems: Strengthening and Reform (SCPL10030)


Social Policy





Normal Year Taken


Delivery Session Year



Visiting students must have completed at least 3 Social Policy or closely related courses at grade B or above, including one course equivalent to Health Systems Analysis (SCPL10034). We will only consider University/College level courses. Please see Additional Restrictions below.

Course Summary

This course examines health systems strengthening and reform initiatives in developed and developing countries, providing the knowledge and skills required to evaluate health sector policies with respect to their consequences for system goals such as equity, efficiency and quality.

Course Description

*Academic description*: This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to evaluate critically health system strengthening and reform efforts in any region of the world across developed and developing countries - with respect to the consequences for social objectives. By the end of the course, each student is expected to have: a critical understanding of the recent history of reform, in particular the role of the World Bank and IMF in processes of fiscal consolidation and structural adjustment; an ability to evaluate critically the ability of public sector health agencies to provide universal health coverage; financial protection and equitable access to health care; an ability to evaluate critically the impact of global health actors on the capacity of health systems to address public health need and address health inequalities; and a critical understanding of the role of the private sector in the healthcare sector, e.g. via contracts with state purchasers and through public-private partnerships.*Outline content*: The course is organised around 10 sessions covering three broad areas of health systems policy debate: the role of international actors; approaches to achieving equity in health systems; and managing markets for health-related products and services. *Student learning experience*: The course is taught by a combination of lectures, seminars and online discussion fora. In general, each topic is introduced via one 50 minute lecture and is then explored in greater depth in seminars or online. Students are expected to complete essential readings before attending seminars or posting their contributions to the discussion fora, and have the opportunity to receive formative feedback on their contributions throughout the course period.

Assessment Information

Written Exam 0%, Coursework 100%, Practical Exam 0%

Additional Restrictions

Students cannot take this course alongside Health Systems Analysis (SCPL10034).

view the timetable and further details for this course


All course information obtained from this visiting student course finder should be regarded as provisional. We cannot guarantee that places will be available for any particular course. For more information, please see the visiting student disclaimer:

Visiting student disclaimer