The Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education

Attitudes towards animal welfare in the UK and Japan

International research project - attitudes towards animal welfare in the UK and Japan

What is the project?

The aim of this study is to explore differences and similarities in attitude towards animal welfare in the UK and Japan. The UK and Japan are both island, industrial and developed nations, where living with animals as pets is an important part of both cultures. We are interested in the views of veterinarians and scientists on animal welfare, between the UK and Japan, with the aim of constructing effective strategies for improving animal welfare in both countries. We will ask the same questions of our participants in English or Japanese in an online survey. The questions include understanding of animal welfare and how this influences veterinary decision-making in each country.  

Who is involved in the study?

The Principal Investigator of the study is Prof Cathy Dwyer, Director of the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education, and the project is a collaboration between JMICAWE and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University in Japan. Coordination and day-to-day management of the project will be conducted by Dr Yuki Otani. We will recruit veterinarians, veterinary researchers, and behaviour/welfare researchers in the UK and Japan.

What will be the benefits of this study?

This study will contribute to the development of effective strategies to improve animal welfare in both nations through future public engagement and intervention.

Take Part

  • The survey closed on 31 January 2022. Thank you for your participation. The findings of this project will be made available in this webpage.

More than 500 people kindly completed the survey. We are currently analysing the data, to help us to understand how people think about animal welfare in the UK and Japan.

For further information please contact Dr Yuki Otani:










研究代表者はCathy Dwyer教授(The Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare EducationJMICAWE)センター長)です。JMICAWEと北海道大学大学院獣医学研究院が共同で行います。プロジェクトの運営およびデータの収集や解析は大谷祐紀博士研究員が行います。本アンケートの対象は、日本と英国の獣医師や動物行動/福祉研究者の方々とし、任意での回答収集を行います。







500 以上の方にご回答いただきました。現在は、日英の人々がどのように動物福祉を捉えているかを明らかにするため、貴重なデータを解析しています。




