Consultancy Services
DHHPS Consultancy Services
By arrangement, DHHPS vets are available to visit farms or vet practices around the UK to run workshops about improving all aspects of dairy cow management.
A limited amount of funding is available, where appropriate, for this purpose. Please telephone the office for more information.
DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan & Healthy Feet Programme
DHHPS vets are registered deliverers of both the DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan and Healthy Feet Programmes.
For more information please contact the DHHPS office and take a look at the DairyCo website.
Fertility Minder
We are able to offer both one off analysis of fertility and also offer a bureau service for long term recording of herd fertility using Interherd, Interherd+ and TotalVet.
Prices are shown on our price list, if you are interested give us a call in the DHHPS office.
Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Contact details
- Work: 0131 651 7474
- Fax: 0131 651 7473
- Email:
- Street
Easter Bush Campus
Roslin- City
- Midlothian
- Post Code
- EH25 9RG
9-00am - 5.00pm