Usher Institute

Undergraduate MBChB

The Usher Institute make significant contributions to the MBChB undergraduate medical programme, including project supervision, curriculum development and intercalated honours programmes.

The Usher Institute contributes substantially to the social science, public health, ethics and general practice components of the undergraduate medical degree. Usher Institute staff contribute to teaching in all 6 years of the MBChB curriculum, about 12% of the total curriculum. As well as organising/teaching on specific courses and modules within certain years, our teaching integrates in particular with four of the programme themes:

  • Social sciences and public health
  • The consultation
  • Clinical communication
  • Medical ethics, legal and professional responsibilities.
MBChB in the Usher

Project supervision

Usher Institute staff often supervise student projects in undergraduate medicine. In year 2 students undertake a group project with an emphasis on social responsibility. In year 5 students complete an individual project, many of which lead to publication. Recent projects include: Young People and Alcohol Use; Homelessness and Food; Healthy Eating in Primary Schools; an audit of social science in the clinical curriculum; parents’ views on MMR immunisation; and many systematic reviews relating to the global burden of disease.

Curriculum development

We are committed to providing an effective contribution to the MBChB and often involve students in curriculum development. Recent work includes developing resources for a flipped learning approach to teaching physical activity; introducing LGBT health into the MBChB curriculum.

Read more on the University-wide Teaching Matters blog

Interested in applying to study medicine?

More information on the MBChB for potential students on the Edinburgh Medical School website.

MBChB Intercalated Honours

Details of our current and planned Intercalated Honours Programmes.