Usher Institute

PROJECT: Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme (IHDP)

IHDP seeks to fundamentally change the way data and analytics are used to drive improvement in health outcomes, by fostering new relationships between the NHS, industry, academia, and the third sector.

Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme


The Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme (IHDP) seeks to realise the vision of linking NHS Scotland’s rich data assets and deliver value rapidly to patients, healthcare professionals, and the wider NHS, through leadership and focus.

All high performing healthcare systems internationally are supported by systematic data collection, collation, analysis, and sharing. NHS Scotland aspires to be recognised as one of those high performing systems and the IHDP has been established to provide the strategic framework to achieve this aim.

IHDP has a vision to fundamentally change the way data and analytics are used to drive improvement in health outcomes. The programme brings together expertise in clinical practice, data science, research and education; unleashing innovation across multiple fronts and with a wide range of stakeholders to deliver change. While the programme’s initial focus is to design, develop and oversee the implementation of a cancer intelligence framework for Scotland, it has a clear remit to apply proven methodology to other clinical areas.

Key people



Scott Heald Director
Professor David Cameron Deputy Director
Dr Fiona Strachan Chief Operating Officer


Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme - IHDP


Key Collaborations

Public Health Scotland

National Service Scotland

Cancer Research UK

NHS Scotland

Public Health England

The University of Edinburgh

Scottish Funding Council

Partners and Funders

Scottish Government


May 2015 - July 2025


Cancer data, Information Governance, PROMS, PREMS, MDT, Treatment Summaries