Primary Palliative Care Research Group

Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT™)

The SPICT™ is used to identify people at risk of deteriorating and dying with one or more advanced conditions for palliative care needs assessment and care planning.

SPICT™ Programme Leads: Dr Kirsty Boyd and Professor Scott Murray

Timely identification of people who might benefit from supportive and palliative care and coordinated future care planning alongside appropriate management of their underlying illnesses is central to improving care for the growing number of people around the world whose health is deteriorating with one or more advanced illnesses.

SPICT™ is being used by health and social care professionals and health care organisations internationally who are members of an expanding online SPICT Community which we are leading. Ongoing evaluation and peer review informs development and review of both the SPICT™ itself and ways to use it more effectively in all primary and secondary care settings.

Our website allows users free downloads of SPICT™ and guides to using it in clinical practice and we have collaborating partners across the UK and internationally- Europe, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, S America and Africa. Translations into French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese are building non-English speaking SPICT communities. SPICT™-App is being developed and our SPICT Partners can share their SPICT related research and development projects online.