Primary Palliative Care Research Group

Ugandan patients with advanced heart failure

Multidimensional needs and experiences of Ugandan patients with advanced heart failure.

Heart failure and other non-communicable diseases are rapidly increasing causes of death and illness in developing countries such as Uganda. People with heart failure in these countries are younger, with the cause of illness differing from those in the developed world. This thesis has explored the multidimensional needs of patients with heart failure in Uganda, using serial qualitative interviews.

Findings revealed following themes in the illness experience; unmet multidimensional need, health system challenges, influence of culture and beliefs, health illiteracy, coping methods, services available, health professional versus patients’ views of patients’ needs and improving care.

This study aims to propose a culturally appropriate model of palliative care for these patients. Elizabeth graduates in July.


Charles Darwin Scholarship and Lennie Gordon PhD bursary

PhD candidate

Elizabeth Namukwaya


Liz Grant, Scott Murray, Mhoira Leng, Julia Downing