Usher Institute

Inaugurals showcase Usher Institute

Inaugurals spotlight transformative healthcare research and teaching.

During this month’s College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Inaugural Lectures, a collection of stories was unveiled, featuring life experiences from three distinguished professors. They shed light on their ground-breaking contributions to healthcare transformation.

Professor Harish Nair presenting at Inaugural lecture

Harish Nair, Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Global Health

In his presentation, ‘Riding the perfect storm: generating evidence for introduction of RSV vaccine’, Harish shared his journey and insights, unveiling the profound impact of his work on global health challenges.

Professor Karen Fairhurst presenting at Inaugural lecture

Karen Fairhurst, Professor of Student Learning in Primary Care

Karen’s talk, entitled ‘The importance of medical student learning in primary care’, delved into her experiences, revealing how her expertise is shaping the future of healthcare education.

Professor Will Whiteley presenting at Inaugural lecture

Will Whiteley, Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology

Will provided a glimpse into his ground-breaking research, with his talk ‘Data science and brain health: drinking from the firehose’, showcasing the intersection of data science with neurology and epidemiology in healthcare advancements.


David Argyle, Head of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and William Dick Chair of Veterinary Clinical Studies, hosted the proceedings in the beautiful setting of The Playfair Library.

A diverse audience, comprising friends, family, colleagues, and members of the public, filled the venue; including school pupils from local and distant schools. The evening continued with a lively evening reception, providing a perfect end to the proceedings.

The Inaugurals not only celebrated the achievements of these eminent professors but also sparked conversations on the future of healthcare and the pivotal role of education in shaping it.

Watch the recording now

Usher Institute Inaugural Lecture Showcase Recording - November 2023