Usher Institute

Usher Research Ethics Group: DPO training - BioQuarter

DPO training in completing/ reviewing Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

**Calling all Usher researchers**

Following on from GDPR and the new Data Protection Act (May 2018), all UK ethics forms now include Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) sections.

Usher Research Ethics Group (UREG) is therefore pleased to announce a training event, addressing completion/ reviewing of DPIA sections in ethics forms.

The training has been designed, and will be delivered, by the Data Protection Office of UoE:

DPO - Dr Rena Gertz and Assistant DPO - Fiona Wood

The format of the training will be a presentation from 2-3pm, refreshments, and then an opportunity for questions and for working on/discussing specific examples.

About the training:

The training was designed to ensure that research ethics committees are confident in assessing responses to the DPIA questions within the ethics oversight process.

However, all Usher colleagues can be called on to review Usher ethics applications, and will from time to time have to complete ethics applications (including DPIA sections) for their own research. All would therefore benefit from an understanding of what is expected in DPIA sections.

Furthermore, it is new UoE policy is that:

  • All secondary data analyses now need ethics approval before commencement.

  • PGT and PGR research supervisors will from now on be required to take responsibility for, and sign off, their student ethics applications, for any/all types of research.

This training is therefore offered, and strongly recommended, to all Usher staff involved in research and research supervision. Including those who submit all their ethcis applications via NHS REC.

If you have any questions about the training, or other ethics matters, please contact

Nov 20 2019 -

Usher Research Ethics Group: DPO training - BioQuarter

DPO training

Craigmillar Room | BioQuarter | Edinburgh EH16 4UX | United Kingdom