Mohammad Romel Bhuia
Project: Prevalence and Disease Burden of Asthma: Global, Regional and National Estimates and Projections
PhD overview
PhD Title: Prevalence and Disease Burden of Asthma: Global, Regional and National Estimates and Projections
Funded by: Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science and ICT and the University of Edinburgh
Supervisors: Professor Aziz Sheikh, Dr Bright Nwaru & Professor Christopher Weir
Based at: University of Edinburgh
There are varying estimates of asthma prevalence and burden in the published literature, and these have major limitations in terms of the analytical approach used and reproducibility. This PhD project aims to:
- Systematically describe and critique existing models that have been used to estimate and/or project the global, regional and national prevalence and disease burden of asthma in relation to their strengths, limitations and reproducibility.
- Determine appropriate models for estimating and projecting the prevalence and disease burden of asthma.
- Derive valid and reproducible estimates of the global, regional and national prevalence and disease burden of asthma and make projections in relation to these estimates for the years up to 2030.
- Develop automated approaches to updating these estimates on an annual basis.
About me
I am a statistician and my area of specialisation is bio-statistics. I have completed a BSc and MSc in statistics with first class honours at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh and then completed an MSc in bio-statistics with distinction at the Hasselt University, Belgium under the Flemish Government Interuniversity Council Scholarship (VLIR-UOS) programme: 2011-2013. Before starting my PhD, I was involved in teaching statistics at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
My research interests include epidemiology and disease modelling, machine learning and natural language processing, study design in clinical trials, longitudinal data analysis, joint modelling, mixed models, Bayesian analysis, survival analysis, spatial statistics and time series analysis.
- Bhuia MR, Nwaru BI, Weir CJ, Sheikh A. Models for estimating and projecting global, regional and national prevalence and disease burden of asthma: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open. 2017;e01544 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015441
- Poster: Bhuia MR, Nwaru BI, Weir CJ, Sheikh A. Estimating and projecting the global, regional and national prevalence and disease burden of asthma. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (Edinburgh, November 2016).
- Islam A, Hossain T, Sarwar G, Kawsar LA, Smrity LA, Alam AU, Hossain K, Bhuia MR. Structural Equation Modeling to Assess the Impact of Socio-Demographic Variables on Fertility of Ethnic Manipuri Women. Biometrics Biostatistics Int J. 2016;3(5):00078. doi:10.15406/bbij.2016.000078
- Islam A, Hossain T, Sarwar G, Kawsar LA, Smrity LA, Alam AU, Hossain K, Bhuia MR. Is Socio-economic Condition of Manipuri Tribe Improving?- A Two Phase Comparison Using Income Distribution Model. International Journal of Statistics and Applications. 2016;6(3):138-14 doi: 10.5923/j.statistics.20160603.06
- Bhuia MR, Das S, Rahman K, Alam K, Kawsar LA and Hossain MK. An Assessment of the Importance of Admission Test for Enrollments in Public Universities of Bangladesh. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research. 2016;3(1):9-16. doi: 10.20448/journal.509/2016.3.1/509.1.9.16
- Bhuia MR, Rahman K, Alam K, Smrity LA, Hossain MK. Forced Marriage in Bangladesh: A Quantitative Study to Identify Key Factors. Open Journal of Applied Sciences. 2015;5:450-459.
- Alam M, Bhuia MR, Lovely NS, Hossain MK, Das SK. Acute Respiratory Infection and Its Determinants for Bangladeshi Under-5 Children. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology. 2013;11(1):125-132.
- Bhuia MR, Baten A, Kamil AA, Deb N. Evaluation of Online Bank Efficiency in Bangladesh: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Approach. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. 2012;17(2):1-17
- Alam, M., Hossain, MK, Bhuia MR, and Mazumder, MS. Study on Causes of Child Diarrhea in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology. 2011;9(1):109-112.
- Bhuia, MR, Hossain, MK, Hossain, MF, Islam, MA, Tofayel A, Jobayer SM. (2009). Knowledge, Attitude and Community views of Forced Marriage-A Study in Sylhet division. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Sciences. 2009;32(1):103-113.
My PhD is affiliated with the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR), and supported by the College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine of The University of Edinburgh and the Farr Institute, UK.